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This section is in format, but may read better as. ", Italian for "Got it? The English dub of the show has it just as bad. The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes Episode 1 English Dub Animeįerris (talking to the soldiers, referring to Ryner): "Do you think a man who looks so foolish can be a spy? The American editions of the first couple books saw fit to change Dumbledore's fondness for sherbet lemons into a fondness for lemon drops.
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The legend of the legendary heroes episode 1 english dub watch online.The legend of the legendary heroes episode 1 english dub dubbed.
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The legend of the legendary heroes episode 1 english dub free. The legend of the legendary heroes episode 1 english dub full episode. The legend of the legendary heroes episode 1 english dub anime. Other times, they'd translate obvious game terms, like the names of the Battle Frontier facilities, while leaving terms like "nurse" in English. "Long ago, it was said that countless beings existed with power great enough to control the world. For example, the Dragonzord Fighting Mode (the Dragonzord/Sabretooth Tiger/Triceratops/Mastondon Zord combination) is also referred as the Mega Dragonzord (not to be confused with a different Dino Megazord/Dragonzord combination) and the Dragonzord Battle Mode. The Hiryuushoutenha ("Flying Dragon Ascend-to-Heaven Blast") gets a new translation every time it's called out. Armada Cyclonus's voice? In the Norwegian dub, it seems like they couldn't quite decide if the show was supposed to be named "The Last Airbender" or "The Legend of Aang", as it kept switching back and forth between the two titles. Also, for non-naming issues, Optimus Prime says one line in Ultra Magnus's voice while Ultra Magnus also says a line in. And this happens more than Ryner and Ferris' relationship is harmless compared to the threads in the rest of the show. Two examples that spring immediately to mind are Shairah/Shailah, and Kureyah/Claire. The English dub of Cyborg 009 used "Professor Gilmore" and "Doctor Gilmore" very interchangeably, along with the actors experiencing difficulty over whether to pronounce 008's actual name (Pyunma) as "poon-ma" or "pyoon-ma". Not even the titular McGuffins are safe, being "magical balls" (Most things are simply "magical X" on this dub for some reason) but sometimes becoming "crystal balls" or even "dragon balls". When she turned out to be a recurring character istead of a one-episode guest star, the dub switched to properly calling her Kai Winn with no explanation. Mew Bridget from 4Kids Entertainment's Mew Mew Power was given two attacks the second one just being the same attack flipped the other way.