Cemetery mary game
Cemetery mary game

Ambiguous Situation: Is there actually a monster in the basement? Embry sure seems to believe so and there's no denying that something killed their parents.Light by accidentally shoving him down the stairs, ending in a horrifying Jump Scare. All Just a Dream: Depending on whether you choose to go back to bed or enter the basement in the final night, Embry will have a nightmare about either the monster, taking their form, or the doctor giving them a "The Reason You Suck" Speech about presumably killing Dr.He walks Embry all the way home and even when he realizes they were lying about their parents and that something much more sinister is going on, he doesn't leave but tries his best to help them with whatever they're struggling with. But they also seem to take Embry's claims that no doctors in town would be able to help their parents and that they don't need any help at face value, even when its obvious they've been wearing the same clothes for days on end and have to beg for food because they have no money to buy it.

cemetery mary game

#Cemetery mary game for free

The stall-owners always give Embry food for free when they ask and even offer to help with their "sick" parents.

  • Zig-zagged with the adults in the market.
  • Light down the stairs, leading to him getting eaten by the monster.
  • Accidental Murder: Embry indirectly pushes Dr.
  • It's Not Me It's My Basement provides examples of: See also Tricks N Treats, Cemetery Mary, and Crowscare, three games in the same universe. It's available for Windows, macOS and Linux and can be downloaded for free here. D Light, a traveling healer, shows up and takes it upon himself to help the child. Embry rarely goes outside, spending all their time feeding the beast and looking over it, and as a result, the townspeople become concerned for the child. Taking place in the small village town of Blackwood, it revolves around Embry Oliver, a non-binary child who has to take care of a monster residing in their basement, after it eats their parents.

    cemetery mary game

    It's Not Me, It's My Basement is an RPG Maker horror game, created by arcadekitten. The game's description on the official website

    Cemetery mary game